March winds!!!!!!!!!!!! Its very windy today and that made me think of March winds, April showers, Bring May flowers.
Where I grew up March isn't the forerunner of springs beauty. Its just another wintry month. Keep the heavy coats and gloves handy and don't even think about putting away the winter boots. You are still in the grip of Old Man Winter.
Which brings me to a memory.
When I was a kid, after a good snow, Dad and all us kids would go out and shovel the drive. Our driveway could park a half a dozen vehicles of various types and sizes so clearing it of snow was a big job. One man and five children (one that was only big enough to get in the way, her and her little ash shovel) would work for about an hour and as the parking spaces got cleared of snow the mountain of snow between the drive and the street would grow. When we had just about finished I would go in and Mom would be fixing a warm treat for us. A cake would be ready to come out of the oven and I and Judy would get the cups and fix tea or coffee. Or maybe it would be a huge bowl of fresh popcorn and apples with hot chocolate.
Later there was a plow on something that pushed the snow up into a frozen hill and the warm treat was no more. The ease of the plow changed a togetherness chore into a quick job and stole our warm ritual of family togetherness
Sad but a lot less work.
Love that imagery. Especially Ginner with her ash shovel :)
I have been wishing for a big snow storm. I'd love to do some cold weather baking and this memory just made me want that even more.
Isn't baking great when you can look out the window and see the snow falling, I like that too.
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