Saturday, March 7, 2009

Someone once said..........

My daughter and I were talking last night about things that someone said that stuck (made a lasting impression) with you. That kind of thing may come from a relative or a teacher or a friend or a leader (in business, government, religion etc.) or from a chance overheard bit of a conversation.
After that conversation I spent some time thinking about that.
I know that I got the saying "All things are sacred" from my mom and modified it to "All things are spiritual" some time ago to fit a need in my life. From my dad came "You don't really have to look that hard to see the good, so don't dig for the bad".
They were "just plain working folk" but you can find wisdom any place if your open to it. Listening is the way we learn and from listening comes repeating to our self, then an idea can fit and become a part of us or be changed to fit or be discarded.
As in the quote from my mom. When I thought "all things are sacred" to me it meant all things should be worshiped but when i changed sacred to spiritual it became all things are on the same level and should be treated with the same respect. That fit me better so i changed the saying. To someone else spiritual many be the wrong word and they may need to change it to worthy or related or something completely different. Maybe to mom what she said meant to her the same thing my changed version means to me. Maybe it meant something else, I never ask and she never expounded.

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