Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday --- Memories

I remember the first time we tried to plant a garden after we moved to the mountains. About the last week of May Mom dug up a spot in the back yard and we put in radishes carrots lettuce, potatoes and tomatoes. Oh, and green onions. That spring had been pretty mild and the snow had melted early except in the very shady areas. The digging was hard because the ground was still a little hard from being frozen.
Mom thought she was choosing the kinds of hardy plants that would be okay with the short growing season that we would have. She covered the beds with something at night (I can’t remember what, but maybe it was burlap) and uncovered them during the day.
I was pretty young, about 6 or 7, and was not much help but I loved the watering and digging in the dirt. Then I would look at my hands and see how dirty I had gotten and run into the house to get cleaned up. I still can’t stand for my hands to be dirty for long. I love the feel and smell of the soil but not for long. I wasted so much time running back and forth that I never got much done. Mom probably thought I was a hindrance more than a helper but she let me help anyway.
When the little plants started to pop up out of the ground I was so proud it was like I had caused it all by myself. The late frost had killed some of the seeds but some of them made it and hung in there to become plants. We got plants from all of the eyes of potatoes that we had planted and the radishes and carrots were doing good The onions and lettuce were slower and the tomatoes did not do much at all.
In July we had radishes and green onions from the garden. The carrots did not develop into carrots really but the tops grew and were pretty. By the end of August it snowed and we dug up the potatoes. They were about the size of a ping pong ball and we did not get a lot of them.
Mom learned a great deal that summer about high altitude planting. It was a bunch of work for very little harvest but what we got was very tasty.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mondays food

I got this one from Gin.


4 Tablespoons flour
4 Tablespoons sugar
2 Tablespoons cocoa
1 Egg
3 Tablespoons milk
3 Tablespoons oil
3 Tablespoons chocolate chips (Optional)
A small splash of Vanilla extract
1 Large coffee mug (Microwave safe)

Combine dry ingredients and mix well.

Add egg and mix thoroughly.

Add milk and oil, mix well.

Add vanilla and chocolate chips and mix.

(They say you can do this right in the mug but I found when I did that it stuck, so next time I will mix it then pour it in the mug).

Cook in microwave for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.

The cake will rise over the top of the mug but do not be alarmed!

Allow to cool then tip out onto a plate.

EAT and ENJOY! (This can serve 2 if you really feel like sharing!

Why is “this” the most dangerous recipe in the world?

Because now we are only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake any time of the day or night!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursdays Photo

Its cloudy and windy outside today. So here is some Colorado Beauty to brighten things up.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Greald Emery Fisher

1973......................................... 1999

1960 or about that

1949 ...........................1950? .......................1956?

Mondays Food Day

I didn't really have an idea for a food topic, but a little while ago I put apple slices in the microwave oven with a little bit of cinnamon and brown sugar. In two minutes I had a very tasty and juicy treat.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday's Food Day

How about a (not so ordinary) Veggie dish today.
I'm going to call this: Spiced Fennel
2 stalks of fennel, cleaned trimmed and cut into slices
1 clove of garlic, chopped
1 T. olive oil
1 T. butter
1 tomato, chopped
1 C. mushrooms, chopped
1 t. pepper blend
1/2 C. unsalted beef broth

In a pan, put olive oil, butter, mushrooms and fennel. cover and cook for about 5 min. Add everything else and continue cooking for 15 to 20 min. Stir once in a while.
Serve as a side with dinner or with a piece of fruit or a sandwich for lunch.

Friday, April 3, 2009

who is rockin' my boat?

This has been quite a week. I was doing some research on my family tree earlier this week and while looking in the SS death index for a grandfathers information I ran across my brother's name. It said he died in 2005.
Wow! that really threw me. I had not talked to Gerry since early in 2003. He called me about Judy and we talked for a while about him moving to Texas and what was going on in both our lives. At that time he gave me an email address so that we could keep in touch. I invited him to visit my Family site on the web.
The last time he logged into the site was July 6th of 2005 and the record from SS says he died on Sept. 1st of that same year.
None of the family heard anything about it at the time. If I hadn't come across that record on the SS site we still wouldn't know.
What makes me mad is that I hadn't noticed that he hadn't been on the site in so long. And if I had noticed what would I have done? He didn't give me a phone number or address when we talked. Just the email, but I should have tried to keep in touch better. I should have taken the responsibility of staying in contact.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursdays Photo

An old school in Minnesota.
Gin will recognize this one, I believe Ray said he attended school there at one time.