Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Must See

Everybody go on over to "Evolving Mommy" and read her blog for today. It really makes a point!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Magic of Nature

I took a walk today, out around the swampy area behind the parking lot. I saw some small (something ) running through the tall dry weeds. If was light brown and it may have been a fox but I'm not sure. On my way back I was facing the mountains and the shadows were beautiful. The temperature was in the 50's and I hadn't gone very far before I was wishing I hadn't brought my coat. There was some thin streaming clouds in the sky but not enough to shut out the sun's warmth. A gaggle of geese flew over head and landed in a watery place behind me. I did see some rabbits, they were on the trail and easy to see. I should go for more walks.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Moon

Did you go outside tonight? WOW! that moon is gorgeous. And hey, how about the one at the end of Dec. A little slice of light and Venus hanging just below it! Yep, that was a beauty.
I was heading to the hills tomorrow, but my plans may be changing. If not tomorrow, I will be going soon and when I do, I want to see some friends and family and do some catching up. It always seems that a day should be time enough to get together with a few friends but when you get there and start running around trying to see several people the time just seems to evaporate and leave you wondering what happened.
As you get older that's the way your life feels. Suddenly you realize the time has flown and you didn't do all the things on your to-do list. I think that is why we rush around so. But that doesn't really help. I've decided I need to do each day only what I feel good about doing and what life insists I do to survive. Everything else I will have to do vicariously through you all.
Just in case I forget to say it at the time, Thanks!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A busy week

Well I think this past week just got completely away from me. I'm not sure where it went, but its gone and so as a start for a new one I will post a photo and say whats on my mind.

I'm thinking about Colleen this morning and wondering how things are going for her. Is she working? Is she liking her new life? How has the weather been where she is? I hope she is happy and feeling well.

Cat wrote a very nice post on Tuesday about her Grandma's. It made me feel so good and made me realize how much we influence others by the things we do. Sooooooo, we must think very carefully about what we say and do if we want to leave a positive mark on other peoples lives.
With the help of Missy and Allan, I have been trying to organize my office and crafts. They have put in a lot of work and we are getting somewhere. In the process I ran across a few old photo's that haven't seen daylight in a long time.

I leave you with this very odd photo of me in 1960. Check out the cool glasses. Old photos show just how goofy those styles were.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Goodbyes are so hard!

Yesterday my granddaughter left on a new adventure. She moved about 12 hrs. (by car) away. She had set 12 noon as her projected time to be on the road and although the "Goodbyes" took longer than she had figured she was almost on time. Her dad packed the car, her mom checked the weather along her route, and the rest of us helped or hindered where we could.
I, being the strong woman that I am, kept myself together and showed an encouraging and trusting face. That is until her sister and mom lost it, then no matter what face I had intended to show, it was the wet eyed one that won out.
That's okay, she left knowing that although we all have confidence in her, she will be greatly missed.
I did ask her to call me twice during the trip and was glad to hear her voice and the assurances that everything was fine. And there was a text message when she arrived at her destination, Thank God!
She will do good no matter where she is because she is a people person and shines in any group.
We love you and wish you well, my sweet granddaughter!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thursdays photo

Moose, the summer one was taken about 8 years ago by me, the winter one by Sofia in their yard Jan. of 'o6.