Wednesday, November 26, 2008
All's Well That.....
An update: Elsie has a new bandage and they put back the stitches she had removed. They sent her home with a cone around her neck, which stayed on for about three hours. The doctor thinks she will have the feeding tube for two more weeks. I hope it will last that long!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
And Off Comes The Bandage
We have been up most of the night. Elsie and I are fighting about if she should remove her bandage. I'm saying I don't think its a good idea. She is tearing at it with her hind paws, pretty much insisting that it must be removed. I think we may be going to the vet to have some repair work done on it this morning.
She is asleep right now so I'm going to try to get a few minutes snooze time myself, right next to her so that I will hear if she attacks it again.
Wish me luck!
She is asleep right now so I'm going to try to get a few minutes snooze time myself, right next to her so that I will hear if she attacks it again.
Wish me luck!
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Cup of Coffee?
What I Need Around Me
“We all have the same needs. It’s the way we fill them that makes us different”. Who was it that said that to me? And when was it? That really doesn’t matter I suppose but I so clearly remember it being said and that it was said in connection with me not wanting to throw, or give, something away. It was said possibly about some thing that I no longer used or needed but wanted to hang onto anyway. Were they encouraging me to get rid of “it” or saying “its okay you should keep “it” if that’s what will make you feel good”?
I once lost everything in a house fire, but no one was home at the time and we were all just thankful for each other. The things could be replaced, or could they? The entire collection of photos of my children when they were babies and all those snapshots of all those birthdays, camping trips, holidays and other times now are only a memory. Some are bright others are dim. They come and go, they tease me with half remembered places and things.
Now I hug my photos close and make sure I’m not the only one who has a copy, I make copies and give them to people. I save copies on my computer and send the out over the net. They, of all possible things are most important to me.
Then there is the farie that lives on the dash of my car (bought for me by a friend when we shared a road trip) I really don’t like to start out on a trip without her, and the plastic frog the lives on my keyboard. The books that line my shelves would be very hard to give up. I know because I keep trying to give them away and some of them I just can’t seem to let go of. They are old and some of them are tattered but they are a part of me.
Having lost everything once and knowing that life goes on, I went to some friends and family members and ask them “what item of mine is in that picture of me in your mind when you think of me?” They all answered “A cup of coffee”.
“We all have the same needs. It’s the way we fill them that makes us different”. Who was it that said that to me? And when was it? That really doesn’t matter I suppose but I so clearly remember it being said and that it was said in connection with me not wanting to throw, or give, something away. It was said possibly about some thing that I no longer used or needed but wanted to hang onto anyway. Were they encouraging me to get rid of “it” or saying “its okay you should keep “it” if that’s what will make you feel good”?
I once lost everything in a house fire, but no one was home at the time and we were all just thankful for each other. The things could be replaced, or could they? The entire collection of photos of my children when they were babies and all those snapshots of all those birthdays, camping trips, holidays and other times now are only a memory. Some are bright others are dim. They come and go, they tease me with half remembered places and things.
Now I hug my photos close and make sure I’m not the only one who has a copy, I make copies and give them to people. I save copies on my computer and send the out over the net. They, of all possible things are most important to me.
Then there is the farie that lives on the dash of my car (bought for me by a friend when we shared a road trip) I really don’t like to start out on a trip without her, and the plastic frog the lives on my keyboard. The books that line my shelves would be very hard to give up. I know because I keep trying to give them away and some of them I just can’t seem to let go of. They are old and some of them are tattered but they are a part of me.
Having lost everything once and knowing that life goes on, I went to some friends and family members and ask them “what item of mine is in that picture of me in your mind when you think of me?” They all answered “A cup of coffee”.
Friday, November 21, 2008

In the 50’ we celebrated so many things at the school. Everyone would come, there would be food, and punch, and dancing. Things would get started in the afternoon when the ladies would come in and take over the lunchroom. They would bring covered dishes, some ready to set out and some just needin’ to be heated up on the stove or stuck in the oven for a few minutes. Us kids would be pressed into runnin’ for the forgotten spice that needed to be added or the whipping cream that needed to be whipped for the pies, or "watch those little one and get them out from under foot".
The wall between two of the class rooms could be slid back like pocket doors and all the desks and such would be moved into the other classroom. That left a large space for dancing. Or putting on plays. Or graduations, weddings, baby showers, anniversaries, funerals, home comings, birthdays, wildlife films from the DOW. or any other excuse to get together.
All it cost was some food, some time and some energy and the whole family was entertained.
The wall between two of the class rooms could be slid back like pocket doors and all the desks and such would be moved into the other classroom. That left a large space for dancing. Or putting on plays. Or graduations, weddings, baby showers, anniversaries, funerals, home comings, birthdays, wildlife films from the DOW. or any other excuse to get together.
All it cost was some food, some time and some energy and the whole family was entertained.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I'm ready!
The tires need rotated. The oil needs changed. And its time to make sure I have an ice scrapper and gloves in the car. Oh yes, I need to find the little child's shovel, its been so useful in the past and takes up so little room in the car. I have 4 wheel drive and all-season tires so I’ve never bought chains for the car and I’m not sure I could put them on now that my body does not work so good. If things get that bad I suppose I’ll just stay put. But, I think I’ll put a nice warm quilt in, that way if I brake down and its cold I can keep warm. Being prepared always makes winter so much more enjoyable. Even if I never need those things, I’ll travel better knowing I have them. I’m ready for you Winter, bring on the snow!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
So we had our first snow night before last. It was all in the air and melted before it hit the ground but I enjoyed seeing it in the air. I have always liked snow even when it needed to be shoveled and cleaned off of the car, the walks and the driveway. Nothing is more beautiful than waking up to a freash blanket of white covering everything.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Taking a cue from Evolving Mommy
When I read the post from Evolving Mommy on the gas prices going down I thought "I should fill my tank so that when the prices start back up I'll have at least one tank full that I got at less than 2 dollars a gallon".
That made me think about when I was a young mother and on at tight budget, "I am again, but the flusher years in between were nice" anyway back to my thought...... I never dreamed that gas would be as high as $1.99 a gallon and spending $10.00 on a tank of gas was way to much, but I was making a very nice wage of $3.75 an hour.
And we call those the good old days?
That made me think about when I was a young mother and on at tight budget, "I am again, but the flusher years in between were nice" anyway back to my thought...... I never dreamed that gas would be as high as $1.99 a gallon and spending $10.00 on a tank of gas was way to much, but I was making a very nice wage of $3.75 an hour.
And we call those the good old days?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thursdays photo
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Everyday Wisdom
Each day is a chance to learn something new, and we do, sometimes its not on the surface. But if we do a little digging we can find it (or them). So spend a minute at some point each day thinking about the wisdom you've gained today. That way you can take it out and enjoy it. And, if you don't, shame on you!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Cold Season
Cold season is upon us. The way we eat can make a big difference in just how often and how bad that bug will bite us.
All of us know a healthy diet can make a big impact on our immunity system. What I’m suggesting is that we use one tablespoon of honey in the mix everyday and a teaspoon of cinnamon couldn’t hurt. Both seem to rev up the bug blockers in our bodies.
This doesn’t mean you should eat sticky buns every day. Check your cookbooks and you will find many savory dishes call for a little sugar (use honey instead) and many dishes can benefit from a bit of cinnamon.
But then a sticky bun would be good once in a while too!
All of us know a healthy diet can make a big impact on our immunity system. What I’m suggesting is that we use one tablespoon of honey in the mix everyday and a teaspoon of cinnamon couldn’t hurt. Both seem to rev up the bug blockers in our bodies.
This doesn’t mean you should eat sticky buns every day. Check your cookbooks and you will find many savory dishes call for a little sugar (use honey instead) and many dishes can benefit from a bit of cinnamon.
But then a sticky bun would be good once in a while too!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
This weeks reflections
Sunday, the end of another week.
Mon. I didn't do much, it was a day to get ready for the week ahead.
Tues. I voted. After that I went to a business that I had wanted to visit. It was closed for election day! How many places do that? I had lunch with my daughter, I felt I needed to check on her and make sure she was recovering from her surgery as expected.
Wed. I had to get more of the special food for Elsie (Dave and Kate did that actually). After that they took me to dinner and to a dream discussion meeting of friends at a coffee place in Denver. It was a good time of sharing.
Thur. (lost day)
Fri. I spent the afternoon with Mouse, My granddaughter and my beautiful great grand daughter. I stayed a little longer and got to see My grandson. Also visited with a friend I hadn't seen in quite a while.
Sat. I went to a hardware store that I love going to with Laur then had lunch at her place, mexican food of course.
Now its Sun. and we, Elsie, Bear and I, have make it through another week.

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Wintering the plants?
The potted plants came in from the deck about 2 weeks ago and they are already looking a little under nourished. There is something about house plants that I just don't get. All summer they are outside and they flourish but when I bring them in to keep them from freezing in the fall they just fade. I am looking on line for books that might help.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Other November Mornings
The wind is blowing and the sun is shining but its only 38 degrees. Not really as warm as it looks out there.
I sit here thinking of other November days and thinking of the snow-covered ground of my small mountain home. The promise of a long wait to see the ground again, and cold days of sparkly white fill my head. Was it really that beautiful? Or are my memories warped by the years that have gone by?
" The quiet mornings with all sound muffled by the cold soft blanket of new snow is broken by the crunch of boots as dad takes his old coffee can with the ragged, wadded undershirt in it out and soaks it in diesel fuel and puts a lit match to it to slide under the engine of his pickup to let it warm up enough to get it started. Then the lighter sound of mom taking him a cup of coffee so that he can drink to help warm him while he stays out there and tends his tiny blaze. Soon she will have to get us out of our warm beds and the magic of the quiet morning will be gone. Five hungry kids can spoil things like that. "
"Don't try this now-a-days, there are to many parts of a motor that are flamible."
I sit here thinking of other November days and thinking of the snow-covered ground of my small mountain home. The promise of a long wait to see the ground again, and cold days of sparkly white fill my head. Was it really that beautiful? Or are my memories warped by the years that have gone by?
" The quiet mornings with all sound muffled by the cold soft blanket of new snow is broken by the crunch of boots as dad takes his old coffee can with the ragged, wadded undershirt in it out and soaks it in diesel fuel and puts a lit match to it to slide under the engine of his pickup to let it warm up enough to get it started. Then the lighter sound of mom taking him a cup of coffee so that he can drink to help warm him while he stays out there and tends his tiny blaze. Soon she will have to get us out of our warm beds and the magic of the quiet morning will be gone. Five hungry kids can spoil things like that. "
"Don't try this now-a-days, there are to many parts of a motor that are flamible."
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Well now that we have all voted and the decisions are made I am wondering how long it will take to get rid of all those signs. And is there any way of making the darn things useful. There should be some way of recycling them and turning them into something useful.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tomorrow I and others will be called upon to make our decisions and then to live with them. I pray for wisdom!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Why do we waste so much money?
Some of the best cleaning products I’ve ever used are in my pantry. Lemons, baking soda, vinegar and salt are all good cleaning products and are much cheaper and safer to use than the cleaners that are sold in the stores. And they smell better!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Early Voting?
In a way I envy all those people that did the early voting thing. BUT, I just can't do it. I love the voting day thing. Its like a holiday that I would mess up if I didn't wait to celebrate on the right day. Its the anticipation of the crowds, the waiting my turn, the planning to be there when its not so busy. Yep, its a celebration of my rights!
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